Landing pages are usually not designed to rank in search engines. Direct traffic is brought there but whether it's paid or free, it's usually mostly paid. So if you want to avoid mistakes on the landing page, you need to understand the matter from the beginning. Don't worry, it's very easy. There are three steps to getting traffic to your website:


To get traffic to your landing page, you first need to drive traffic to something. Let's say you get traffic through a Facebook ad. When your ad is seen by more people, it's called an impression. This is the first step to getting traffic. 


Once the impressions increase, you will start getting clicks. Of course, there needs to be something catchy about your ad title or image to get people to click.


This is the last step. The landing page will start working from this step. Here the goal is achieved. If you get this step wrong, you will lose traffic. That's why you should avoid these 7 landing page design mistakes to get the highest conversion rate.

These are the 7 most dangerous landing page design mistakes I've come across. As the days go by, many more errors can occur. At the bottom of the article I will give a tip to increase the conversion rate of customers.

1 There is no connection between the ad and the landing page

This is directly related to the impression. The ad appears, people click on the ad link, traffic comes to the landing page, but your landing page is unrelated to your ad. What happens in this case?

You have 0% conversion because the inbound traffic is not your target traffic. They come with a specific purpose, but get completely different things.

So you need to keep the connection between the ad and the landing page design, otherwise it will be a big mistake. 

2 The headline is not clear

Sometimes marketers use headlines that don't give a full picture of what they have to offer. Many marketers make the mistake of using the headlines to describe what they are doing, or many say how long they have been doing it. Explain in detail how traffic will benefit from your offer. Write a headline with an emphasis on traffic. Your title must contain the word "you or your". It's all about you. 

3 There is no call to action button

That's a very basic thing. Without a call-to-action button, the chance of conversion is almost zero. You need to create a button with a word that entices the user to take a specific action.

I can see the buttons change colour and move when hovered over. This way the button gets the attention of the traffic. In Skein Agency's site, you will find a lot of attractive buttons that will help you increase the conversion rate of your landing page. People are not interested in what you have to offer - they only care about what they want, so make sure the button text does what you promise!

4 Create confusion with multiple offers 

I have also seen experienced designers make this mistake. There are ecommerce merchants who sell many products at the same time, providing multiple offers on the same landing page.

For example, if you create a landing page with a lead magnet of an ebook for SEO, an ebook for email marketing and also an ebook for learning about PPC advertising, how would visitors understand the primary purpose of the landing page? Most visitors think for a moment and walk away without taking action, and the lead is lost.

So in this case, all you need to do is design a dedicated landing page for each offer - you can create as many landing pages as you require, keeping the subject of the landing page extremely narrow and specific to the user that you have attracted to the page. Don't give them a choice; their only decision should be to take action or leave. A highly specific landing page, addressing the user’s pain points and specific needs will result in much higher conversions than a general web page.

5 Does not respond to mobile devices

According to in 2009, traffic from mobile users was virtually 0%. By 2016 this had risen to 52%! It will definitely reach 80% in 2022. So now you understand where most of your traffic is coming from.

However, most new marketers (and some older designers) ignore the mobile design of their landing page, where most of the traffic comes from mobile devices. That's a big mistake!

Get into the habit of designing ‘mobile first’ - that is, make the experience, layout and performance on mobile your first priority. Google will reward you for it, and your users will appreciate it.

6 Lack of reliability

Social proof is one of the top tools you can use to convert leads on your landing page - Google reviews, Yelp reviews, copy/pasted testimonials… any positive feedback from your customers. Many websites have done research on the use of this testimonial and different studies have come up with different results, but it adds credibility to all results.

Aim to add at least 3 testimonials to your landing page. This will increase your credibility, which will increase your conversion rate.

7 Big forms

Last but not least we see a lot of advanced marketers do this because they want to get as much user information as they can from the page, but it actually scares off users. Most people do not want to provide such information.

We advise that a complete lead can be obtained by taking maximum three details which are name, email address, phone number. Unnecessary conflicting information has no benefit, but the conversion rate is reduced.

Bonus: Killer tip

In order to create a more effective headline, you need to understand your customer's pain point. There are two types of pain:

External pain points can be problems that all your potential customers face. These are big problems that can be solved through innovation. Think of how Airbnb changed the way we rent short-term or how Facebook connected people around the world. There is a need, entrepreneurs will find it and create a new solution.

Internal pain points are pain points that exist in existing industries. These could be things like high costs, poor customer service or complex contracts. They don't need a new invention to fix. Companies that find ways to eliminate or minimise this for their clients are well positioned to become industry leaders.

If you understand your customer's pain, you can write the most effective headline because your headline is the solution to all their pain. Start with research to find your customer's weak points. Go to Quora and explore what people are asking and thinking about your industry, or you can join Facebook and LinkedIn groups for specific industries and read about the types of problems your prospective clients are having.